Human Development Index
- 网络人类发展指数;联合国人类发展指数;指数;发展指数;人类发展指标

An Alternative to Human Development Index with Principal Component Analysis
What does the human development index measure ?
An Empirical Analysis on Effects of Government Expenditure on Human Development Index in China
A Comparative Study on China 's Inter-provincial Human Development Index
The Selection , Measurement and Promoting Countermeasures of New Human Development Index in Dalian
The United Nations has published its human development index every year since 1990 .
Public Expenditure and Human Development Index & Empirical Evidence of China from 1990 to 2002
Human Development Index ( HDI ): Meaning , Measurement and Metrological Improvement
This year 's report will use the Alkire-Foster approach to complement its own Human Development Index .
The Evaluation of Sustainable Development Based on Ecological Footprint and Human Development Index & A Case of Marine Fishery Resources Utilization in China
Combined with human development index and R / S analysis method , this paper analyzed the regional sustainable development from ecosystem , society and economy etc.
Compared with so many economic social indexes , the UN 's Human Development Index ( HDI ) has its special properties and greater influence .
The West about human development index theory , theory of happiness index and sustainable development theory from a different perspective to reflect the value of people in development .
The rate was declining more quickly in countries that had a higher human development index , lower child mortality and access to improved sanitation .
The achievements include significant growth in output and productivity , improved economic structures , accumulation of technical skills and knowledge , and an advanced human development index .
According to the UN Human Development index , of the175 nations in the world , Niger is ranked second from the bottom .
The human development index - which ranks countries by measures such as life expectancy and Education - places only one large country in its top 10 : Japan .
In the paper , the size of government is measured by the share of public expenditure in GDP , and social welfare is measured by human development index .
Guatemala sits just above Iraq on the United Nations ' Human Development Index , a composite of life expectancy , education and per capita income .
As for wellbeing , the commission said that existing composite indices , such as the United Nations human development index , served a purpose but were flawed .
The results of the study show that : 1990-2009 , Shaanxi human development index and per capita ecological footprint have increased with the economic development . Ecological welfare index has increased steadily after the first wave change then declined .
None of which has given a comprehensive explanation to the full meanings of development . It seems that Human Development Index view has much better illustrated the denotation and connotation of development , but still this point is not that perfect .
The HDI ( human development index ), proposed by United Nations Development Program in 1990 is a summary composite index that measures a country 's average achievements in three basic aspects of human development : longevity , knowledge , and a decent standard of living .
This paper use budgetary and extra-budgetary expenditure to measure Chinese government expenditure . The growth rate of government expenditure can be considered as proxy variable of fiscal policy . Human Development Index ( HDI ) is used to measure the situation of human development in China .
Lack of basic services translates in to high mortality , increase in illiteracy rate , law and order problems , high level of influx of people in to urban areas , low economic activity which further leads to a poor living standard and a low Human Development Index .
And the Human All-Round Development evaluation index system that reflects the requirements of scientific development is constructed . Based on the Scientific Development , Human All-Round Development Evaluation is established .
In this article , we , taking the exponent of human development as the index of the growth level , have succeeded in drawing the inverted U - shape curve of Kuznets Hypothesis , and in , theoretically , supporting this hypothesis by the use of economics of development .